Video gaming is not only popular among pre-teens and teenagers but also among adults who are pursuing it as a full-time career. The gaming industry is indeed a profitable industry, subjected to upgradation every passing day. It is soaring with competition as more users are joining the community from across the globe.

It may sound overwhelming at first but in reality, it is all about implementing the right tips and tricks. Here are the top 10 ultimate tips and tricks that will help in editing the gameplay videos like a professional videographer:

#1. Choose the right video editor

The most important thing to do before commencing the gameplay editing journey is to select the right video editor. The right online video editor will be helpful in numerous ways when it comes to making mesmeric gaming videos. There are a plethora of video editors, some are paid while others are free. The following enlisted step will ensure that one has selected the right tool:

  • Make a list of required features
  • Browse through the options and invest time in watching online tutorials
  • Make sure that the video editor is within your predetermined budget
  • Make sure that the software is compatible with the OS in use

Selecting the right tool does make the job much easier and smooth. Hence, familiarizing oneself with the software is of utmost importance before inaugurating the game video editing journey.

#2. Planning is always a must

Planning the course of action can have a range of benefits, such as the following:

  • Have a fixed goal and determine the target audience.
  • Have a structure for the content of the video.
  • Makes it easier to sort out the recording process.
  • Helps in devising a strategy for creating new and innovative gameplays to attract more viewers.
  • Helps in averting any kind of chaos or confusion while making and editing the gameplay.

Therefore, having a draft of the plan is colossally imperative for creating a fascinating gameplay video.

#3. Maintain the quality of the video

When one has a profile face or a brand name, their audiences start building expectations from them. This is prevalent in every industry. Similarly, when one begins their journey as a gamer, their fans and following also start expecting top-notch quality content.

The game video footage should be high-quality and must be congruent to every device, be it PC, laptop, mobile, iPads or tablet, etc. Moreover, the gameplay mustn’t have lags or long load times.

Again, high-quality effects and transitions are also equally important. These will ensure that the clips are blended seamlessly and the gameplay will have a sound flow. However, make sure that there is a balance between these. Otherwise, it makes the video amateur and clumsy.

These are some of the deciding factors that determine the chances of the viewers subscribing to the channel. Hence, attending to these factors will be only wise.

#4. Have an unblemished color coordination

Having the right color coordination plays a substantial role in making the videos more eye appealing. The gameplay needs to hold the attention of the viewers till the end and to make that possible, it is always important to make the videos soother on the eyes.

Using aesthetic color coordination is the trend these days and viewers love it. The aim of making a great video can be easily accomplished by editing the video in such a manner that the color coordination and saturation are equalized.

#5. Good quality gaming equipment is a must

Before starting the journey of editing the gameplays, one needs to ensure that the game recording is flawlessly done. To make that happen, one needs to have good quality gaming equipment such as a good quality microphone, cameras, speakers, gaming console, and so on.

Many gamers tend to negate the importance of good quality gaming equipment which harms their gameplay quality. Therefore, do not hesitate in investing in some good quality gaming accessories.

#6. The length of the video should be strategically decided

One of the most important aspects of gaming videos is their length of them. It is important because it accurately determines how much the audience will engage with the gameplay. Therefore, making the videos unnecessarily long can backfire.

The best way to determine the gameplay’s length is to understand the audience’s requirements and expectations from that particular gameplay. Many watch gameplays to hone their skills, while many watch them just for fun. Too long a video can be a drag, while too short a gameplay won’t be fun.

Hence, make sure to cater to the needs of the audience by making the video captivating and crisp.

#7. There’s always room for more knowledge

The best way to hone the game’s video editing skills is to watch online tutorials. This will help in boosting the knowledge about game video editors and the various scopes they have.

Furthermore, watching tutorials will also reveal tricks to make the gameplays more engaging and fun for the viewers.

#8. Use catchy soundtracks

Ensuring that the videos are audible and attractive is also imperative in-game video editing. Therefore, choosing a catchy soundtrack will be of great help. This will prevent the viewers from getting distracted from the gameplay.

One can use voiceovers and connect with the viewers. Some quirky comments will do the trick. Thus, while editing the gameplay include some trendy soundtracks, especially if the gameplay is short enough for a YouTube shorts video.

#9. Trim the unnecessary clips

As discussed above, making the video unnecessarily long may backfire. The gameplay must have a sound flow to keep the audience hooked to their screens. Cutting out the unnecessary clips will only make it more interesting and mesmeric.

#10. Use enticing thumbnails and include CTAs for better engagement

Thumbnails play a crucial role in making the gameplays stand out for themselves. Using an enticing thumbnail that is relevant to the content of the video will induce authenticity and attract viewers. Hence, make sure that the video has compelling thumbnails for the viewers to engage in the video.

Apart from that, use CTAs or Call to Action in the videos to improve the engagement of the audience with the video. This will be a healthy boost for the channel.


Overall, game video editing is really fun when one uses the right game video editor. The main goal is to magnetize the viewers so that they come back and being real about it all will help in the exponential growth of the channel.


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