This review of the Soham murders contains important facts to help you understand the issue of infanticide and the ignorance of school administrators.

Did you know the 2017 movie Soham Revisited has released? The film received positive reviews from IMDB. Maxine Soham’s Channel-5 crime TV show is part of the growing trend of OTT platforms.

Want to know more about Soham’s organization and key people? This article is just for you. Let’s have a look at Soham’s Killing review.

Investigating the Soham Murder Case:

Soham’s murder is linked to the murders of Holly Marie Wells (10) and Jessica Amy Chapman (11). Ian Kevin Huntley was a nanny from Soham who brought girls into his home and killed them. Interview with Ian Kevin Huntley, March 18, 2003.

At first Ian tried to cover it up. He was later linked to the murder. The Head of Investigation, Michael Bichard, in the Bichard report, gave clear instructions to the school management and the police to check/investigate those interested in working with children at Soham Village College.

Soham Details:

Henry Morris, founder of the village college, was Headmaster of Cambridgeshire. Soham is a co-operative school established in 1972 serving over 1,400 students aged 11-18.

Soham Free School was founded in 1686. Later it became Soham Grammar School. In 1878 he moved to Beecherst House. In 1958, Soham Village College was renovated with a second modern style structure set on 11 acres of waterside land. The campus was transferred from the local government in 1993.

Howard Gilbert Soham: What happened?

Howard Gilbert is Soham’s manager. For those who want to work with children, the UK government has guidelines for interviews and training assessments.

However, Howard ignored these instructions when he hired Ian as a tutor. Howard In a 2004 interview with Soham’s Inquiry, he admitted he could not verify Iain’s story.


Ian was sentenced to two years in prison and convicted on March 17, 2003. Police say Ian was involved in physical assault and robbery in 1990. The murder of parents Holly and Jessica Soham by Nicola, Kevin Wells and Sharon Chapman. Howard retired as manager of Soham in 2013 after 8 years of service and 20 years as a manager.

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