Traffic Alert Scams teaches you the most common traffic scams and how to avoid them.

Did you know there are road scams in Australia? Have you ever been tricked with scissors? Every day people go through various local service scams.

Nowadays scammers use different ways to cheat people. This includes email. mail, text and social media. Traffic reports can be scams.

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Scammers use a completely different tactic to deceive people. We discuss some of the biggest scams in Australia.

Fraudsters use payments to trick people. Text messages containing the date of the month, amount and payment link are distributed to various drivers. Scammers charge the link in the message before the deadline.

But the link will take you to an unverified health affiliate website that aims to steal your banking and personal information.

Traffic ticket fraud is different, people often lie. The zoning section of the Roads Act was used to replace or close rural roads. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism demanded a cash payment to remove the obstructions in the palace.

In such cases, if they do not speak positively, they shine differently or come somewhere.

Another common scam on the road is the bread tire scam. In toll scams, people harass you asking for a toll waiver or help changing a tire. They interfere with the edges and cause tire wear. They steal your attention and take away your valuables in a mutually beneficial way.

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Some things that aim to reduce people to basic cognitive processes often resort to victim tactics.

  • Beware of email. from emails and text messages that direct you to unverified websites.
  • Websites should not ask for personal or banking information.
  • Report extortionists asking for money to the police.
  • Beware of scams and be wise.


Traffic sign fraud is one of the most common methods used by scammers to trick people. These scam sites are common and you should be careful if you visit them often. Read more about traffic scams.

Are you a victim of fraud? Leave a comment and tell America about your skills.


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