This video of Azam Khan’s wife Swati details a recent incident involving PTI Senator Azam Khan Swati.

Have you heard about Azam Khan’s latest relationship with his wife? Their fake and photoshopped videos of the offending scene were used to make music videos. People all over the world are shocked by this incident and are now searching for the clip of Azam Khan’s wife Swati.

We discuss the incident and the reasons behind the couple’s recent headlines. We hope you will continue to follow our blog so we can provide you with more information about this event.

The music video was discovered by Azam Khan

Amaz, who said his wife received the clip from an unknown sender, was shocked. After the video was published, the couple was seen in a difficult situation. Sources say the video contains obscene scenes. According to the FIA, the video is fake and naturalistic.

The latest news is published on Dailymotion

As indicated by an update from Dailymotion, they guarantee that the FIA has made a report that the spilled video is phony and that the countenances have been changed. They likewise requested that Azam for consent examine the matter. After Azam’s endorsement, the matter can be examined. The news channels of Pakistan and different nations are communicating this subject. Azam Swati answered by saying that he was the objective of a disdain gathering and that his resistance would ruin him, his family and himself. She was stunned by the occurrence and cried. Previous State leader Imran Khan denounced the oppression.


This issue has been discussed on many social media platforms, especially on Twitter. Imraan Khan, Pakistan’s former prime minister, called it shocking and embarrassing for everyone on his Twitter account. YSK should accept this case for what it is. Many other users also shared their opinion on the matter. Some users felt that the Chief Justice seemed helpless in the case. All for the benefit of Azam Khan Swati. The event attracted international attention.

Who is Azam Khan Swati?

Azam Khan Swati is a Pakistani politician. He is also a politician and a member of the Swati tribe. Reddit shared a video of him crying and said his wife sent him a video of the couple in an awkward position from their bedroom. Born 22 June 1948, politician and loyal to the former Prime Minister. He is the leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. He was a former member of the Society of Islamic Ulema between 2002 and 2011.

A video of Azam’s investigation has been released

The video was shared by many sources. The case is still under investigation. There is no current update. FIA approval is required before action is taken against the agent and other video sources on Telegram.

The FIA ​​team has asked Azam to substantiate his claims so that they can start an investigation. They were somewhat relieved to learn that the video was fake and had been altered by the FIA. We are still working on many details. We will update readers as soon as all the details are clear.

Note: All information is taken from the internet.


Readers can learn about the tragic events of PTI Senator Azam Khan Swati. You can watch news on different channels.

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