The guide details the Gazer Wordle, reported by players in Patch #335 on May 20th.

Wordle is a very popular game, loved by many players in US, India, Australia, Canada and UK. The game presents a new puzzle or puzzles every day to keep players busy.

Puzzle #335 has missing words and clues to find five letter words that start with G and end with R. Many players have come up with several words, including Gazer Wordle.

What is Gazer in Wordle?

The word gazer means one who looks or watches carefully. But the word has nothing to do with Patch #335, which was released on April 20, 2022. The daily puzzle game released a puzzle on April 20 that asked players to guess five-letter words with G that starts and ends with R.

This allows players to start thinking of words that start with G and end with R. Then they found the word gaser on the list and thought the answer to the riddle was “Kaser”. However, this is a guess and not a correct answer because the correct answer is ‘Play’.

A word from Gazer Wordle #335?

No, the wrong word is the opposite in the April 20, 2022 puzzle. On Friday, he posted daily crossword #335, asking players to find five-letter words that begin with G and ending in R.

Here are some five-letter words that start with G and end with R:

  • Gater
  • Gazor
  • Goner
  • Glair
  • Gluer
  • Gayer
  • Giver
  • Giber
  • Goier
  • Gager
  • Gaper
  • Gazar

Many players believe that Gazer is the answer to Riddle 335. Others have searched the internet for Gazer’s explanation. The word means to look hard or look hard.

What is the answer to Wordle #335?

Wordle is a daily puzzle game that presents players with new puzzles every day. On April 20, it released the daily Riddle #335 puzzle game, which asks players to guess five-letter words that start with “G” and end with “R.”

  • The word uses two strings
  • The word has no repeated letters
  • The meaning of the word is the player who plays.

So puzzle 335 says “GAMER”, not “GAZER”. As many players suspected that gaser was the answer to the question, people asked Gazer, the Scrabble Word for Wordle, released on March 20, 2022. But is there a five-letter word on the list that is not the answer, or the answer to puzzle 335? PLAYING WITH YOU.


Wordle is a puzzle game that has many fans around the world. Puzzles are released every day, and on April 20, puzzle number 335 was released, where players must find five-letter words starting with G and ending with R. Some players are seen guessing different words, Gazer. But Gazer Wordle got it wrong because the correct answer is GAMER for Riddle #335.

What do you think of idol number 335? Feel free to share in the comments section.


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